Service Design and Journey Management

They say measuring the goose won't make it any fatter.

We go beyond evaluations and scorecards; we'll be there to help you navigate a new way of approaching business both deep in the details of the team's workstreams and at the macro-organization level shifting mindsets, ethos and infrastructures that are the linchpins of successful service design and journey management operationalization.

What to expect.

We are adept at integrating and adopting to your organization's unique context. Our partnership will follow these high-level phases, customizing and co-creating the mechanics as it makes sense for your business.

  • Partnering with stakeholders, we’ll uncover how opportunities are identified and prioritized as well as how solutions are designed, delivered and managed. Then together we’ll evaluate this information to: a. create a definition of a successful engagement and b. inform a roadmap of efforts to positively change the culture and way-of-working.

  • We reach beyond incremental metrics to collectively define and socialize the purpose of your organization and then establish the bedrock mechanics to consistently facilitate work that aligns to your unique marketplace identity.

  • Starting small and sustainably scaling, we’ll apply the appropriate tactics and methodologies within workstreams and deliver a 1-2 punch- creating profitable customer and business value that squarely aligns to the unique value proposition.

  • Our ultimate goal is elevating your capacity to a level of conscious excellence- a state of independently being aware and using skills to achieve predictable and sustainable high performance. This is a long game and we’re here to answer questions along the way.

"Kate brings unparalleled thoughtfulness and intellect, skillfully guiding teams to decisions that improve both customer and business outcomes. "